50 Websites to follow if you’re into Web Design

The best thing about being a web designer is being able to easily stay current with trends, news and inspiration. How can you do it….? Well, using the web of course. There are hundreds of different websites out there to use as tools that cover every field relating to web design and development.
Below I’ve listed my favorite 50 sites that I check out on a daily basis with Google Reader. Here they are in alphabetical order. (Click on the images to view their website)
Excellent collections informative to keep me up to date with the current trends on web design. Thanks
Designzzz must have been in this list
Great post thx.
Thanks for this list.
Why did you not add Smashing Magazine ?
Lots of really useful resources here. Great compilation!
Great list of sites. This is a pretty valuable resource for web design. Great work on getting them all on one page.
Not sure about all of them, but great list at all
I already know few of the sites, however it is always good to know more details. Thank you!
Some good sites here, some of them I didn’t know about.
awesome sites i can not wait to dig into them. And spend some time going through them.
website design perth
Where is Smashing Magazine !?
Anyway, nice selection…
Great list 😉 thanks
Really Fantastic list… Thanks for the list.
awesome sites i can not wait to dig into them. And spend some time going through them.
great list , i plan on looking through these and using the info.
awesome collection. Thanks to share 🙂
David Airey and TDC I couldn’t agree with more. two very inspiring designers without the hubris. Knowledgable, succinct and with the necessary skills.
I can’t speak highly enough of them. i look out regularly for them.
I’ll make some attempt at catching up with some of the others.
Thanks for the recommendations.
take good care and get as much joy as you can every day.
And what about the Lungs of Good Design?
Awsome list of sites.Thanks for giving us the OPML file, it make things much easier
Good list but the best one is excluded: Smashing Magazine
Awesome compilation! I’m proud to say I have about 80% of them on my list already. Thank you for helping me build my arsonal a bit larger : )
I already following most of the sites, but thanks for the list. It should keeps my Google Reader full ;).
Have I recently mentioned that I am really bored because of logos that uses rockwell as font? It seems, that all folks out there use this font because it’s so stylish… arg!
This is a great list with many excellent websites. Thanks!
Nice List, but I guess you missed WebAppers.com
How many of them offer actual original content though, instead of just round ups and lists?. You can’t beat A List Apart and CSS Tricks IMO
thx for this list. I had already most of them bookmarked
I like your collection, thanks for sharing.
I guess you missed WebAppers.com 😉
So this is Louis subscription lists, awesome post… =)
One of the best collections for designers I have ever seen. Thanx.
Thank you Louis for placing all good stuff on a single blog page. 🙂
Great article, thanks for including and I don’t know how I missed this article before!
Correcting my mistake right now 🙂
Thanks a lot for this gold and timesave OPML file 🙂
Good informative post. Thanks for sharing this info post.
You have several of my favorites listed and many more to explore – thanks for the fresh inspiration! Good list!
Not sure if I’m worthy to be in a company like that, but I also lead a design blog for a while now, you might want to check it. Cheers 🙂
Great Article! if your a web designer and looking for inspiration should check out http://box.mepholio.com too!
Great list, convenient that you gave the file with the feeds in it!
We post a lot of free designs for twitter, iphone, etc. on our blog at http://graphicleftovers.com/blog/
Thanks for this great list 🙂 Comes in very handy.
That’s a huge list, I already discovered a handful of new websites. And there’s the usual suspects, of course.
Thanks for the link 🙂
Great Article! Thank you very much for posted this ….
Is the OPL file still working?
I tired to put in to my feed reader and no luck?
Of course great list.
Mine favorite is I Love Typography – remember when I only started working in the web development niche I was so much surprised with how much our Art Director paid attention to typography. Later I understood this attention after I saw some examples of typography which totally ruined the message of the web page.
Thx for the great list! I’ve bookmarked some of them.
http://www.smashingmagazine.com should be in the list. 🙂
Great list!
I think you have missed http://www.webappers.com and http://thedesigninspiration.com
Awesome! This list looks like my bookmarks and RSS subscriptions rolled into one. These are the best web design bloggers, minus a few that weren’t mentioned. Great post thanks!
Wow thank you for the generous #DCTH feature!
Great list – quite a few I have not subscribed to yet.
cool list.. thanks.!
Thanks so much for including http://colorfreak.com in this list! Great list of sites!
Thanks for adding my site too! I think I am subscribed to all of these sites already – great blogs 🙂
Great list, there’s actually about 3 of them that I haden’t seen before.
You should also have Smashing Magazine on the list 🙂
May I add my webdesign blog: http://blog.mogdesign.eu
Great list! Lots of awesome people featured here.
Thanks for compiling the list. I see some site on it that I had completely forgotten about. Can’t wait to browse for inspiration.
Thanks for the design shard mention. theres a few i should visit more often.
Very nice list & thanks very much for including WebResourcesDepot.
Hey, fantastic list, thanks for featuring Inspired Magazine!
Great list..I already Know some of these sites. Thanks 😉
nice list ! gr8 work …
Thanks for the include Louis!
What a mighty list you have there! Keep it up!
Wow!!! Thats an awesome list. Thanks a lot!!!!!
Great list. Thanks! Love the OPML file too! 😛
Whoah, what a list! I didn’t see any one that I don’t have in my RSS feed 🙂 .
Pretty sad to see that Marcofolio.net is “missing” here – Anyway, better luck next time 😉 .
Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the list
Great post Louis! Thanks for including Desizn Tech. I follow all the sites you listed
@Roger: good idea Roger… I’ll post that sometime tonight and let you know when it’s up. Thanks.
Great list! But why not make an opml file of all feeds!?
Pet peeve of mine I’m lazy 😉
thx for having http://sharebrain.info on board ! 🙂
Perfect list 😉 Crème de la crème
Thanks for the list! Great ones here!
You might also enjoy briancray.com for high quality articles on Internet Marketing, User Experience Design, Web Development, and Social Media.
Thanks for including The Design Cubicle! Great list 🙂
Awesome! Thanks for including Minervity.com! Humbled to among these great ones! Giants really compared to the new kid on the block Minervity.
Keep up the great work! Thanks again!